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  • 2013-07-26 to 2013-07-29

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DAB + Technology Workshop & Demonstration

2013-07-26 to 2013-07-29
July 26, 2013



Event details

  • 2013-07-26 to 2013-07-29

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DAB + Technology Workshop & Demonstration

2013-07-26 to 2013-07-29
July 26, 2013





26 – 29 JULY 2013, HANOI

The Voice of Vietnam (VOV), the WorldDMB Forum, Commercial Radio Australia (CRA)  and the ABU have organised a digital radio broadcasting showcase event which will be of significant interest to all radio broadcasters in the region. This event, “The DAB+ Technology Showcase: DAB+ Technology Workshop and Demonstration”, will showcase the DAB+ standard and its transmission technology demonstrating its features and efficiency improvements compared to analog FM broadcast.

The event comprises a 1-day technology workshop followed by a 1-day drive test demonstration and field measurement exercise around the city of Hanoi and half day session of the test result. The workshop will provide the participants with up to date information on implementation of DAB+ technology, its enhancements and its planning and digital radio implementation aspects.

The project aims to equip the participants with expertise in the area of digital radio broadcasting helping them in carrying out similar implementations in their own countries.

We are delighted to invite senior engineering executives from your organisation to participate in this “DAB+ Technology Showcase Event”. Please nominate suitable participants, preferably who have had experience or are exposed to radio transmission and distribution systems. 

The event will be held from the 26 – 29 July 2013 in Hanoi.

Please forward your nominations in the attached registration form, at the latest by 12th July 2013. As the number of participants is limited, early registration will ensure that your nominees are accepted.

Together with our host VOV we have negotiated a special rate for your stay at below two hotels.

Melia Hotel Hanoi

Address: 44 Ly Thuong Kiet Str,

Hanoi, Vietnam.


Tel: (+84)(4)39343343

Fax: (+84)(4)39348688



Single Deluxe = USD 138.00 net

  Twin Deluxe = USD 150.00 net

Hoa Binh Hotel
Address: 27 Ly Thuong Kiet Str,
Hanoi, Vietnam.
Tel: (+84)(4)8253315
Fax: (+84)(4)8269818
Single Deluxe = USD 70.00 net
 Twin Deluxe = USD 80.00 net


Alternative hotel accommodation may also be arranged by the participants. If you wish to stay one of above two hotels, please kindly Download Hotel Reservation Form and send back to: Ms. Nguyen Thuy Dung – International Cooperation Department – Voice of Vietnam

All expenses on the travel and stay of your nominee are to be borne by your organisation.

Should you require further information please feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Click here for event programme
Click here for event invitation letter
Click here for hotel reservation form