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  • 2013-03-08 to 2013-03-09

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2013-03-08 to 2013-03-09
March 8, 2013



Event details

  • 2013-03-08 to 2013-03-09

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2013-03-08 to 2013-03-09
March 8, 2013


8-9 March 2013

SAFIR 1 (Ballroom Floor),Hotel Istana Kuala Lumpur



Fathimath Thasneem 
Thasneem has followed her Tertiary education in Human Resources Planning, Development and Management in TAFE South Australia and Applied Manpower Research Institute , Delhi, India. She holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resources Planning and Development. She has been awarded Certificate of Merit in recognition of outstanding academic performance among all the women candidates in the Post Graduate Program. She has also completed several short term Trainings and workshops in Disaster Risk Reduction and Community Based Disaster Management


Dr Kazuyoshi Shogen

SHOGEN, Kazuyoshi joined NHK in 1979. He has been engaged in research on broadcasting satellite system since 1982. In 1998-2003, he has worked in NHK Engineering Administration Department engaging in media planning and international affairs, working with groups such as ABU, ITU-R and APT. In 2003, he was transferred to NHK Science and Technology Research Laboratories. He was a chairman of the ABU Technical Committee and was a vice chairman of the ITU-R SG6 WP6S. He is an IEEE Senior Member and a Fellow of IEICE of Japan. He retired from NHK in June 2011 and he is now in B-SAT.


Water E. Welz
Walter Welz spent almost ten years with USAID, nearly eight of those with USAID/Uganda as its Food Aid, Food Security, and Humanitarian Relief Officer (a.k.a. “Food for Peace Officer”).  Previous careers experiences include 12 years with the Farm Bureau, the largest farm and agricultural advocacy organization in the United States.  He has performed various consulting assignments in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan in central Asia, the sub-continent (India, Sri Lanka and the Maldives), the Asia-Pacific region (China, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam), the occupied Palestinian Territories, Africa (Mozambique, Uganda, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, and Tanzania), Latin America (Mexico, the Dominican Republic and Guatemala), and Eastern Europe (Russia and Bulgaria).  Sectoral experiences include Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), humanitarian relief, food security, and food aid.


Russell Isaac
BA in Social Theory.MA Research in Social Anthropology. Works include Conflict Reporting in Afghanistan, Iraq, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Falklands, Palestine, Lebanon, Georgia,…. EWB and Disaster Risk Reduction consultancies in Guatemala, El Salvador, Beijing, Pakistan ….Media Consultant for Thomson Foundation, British Foreign Office, OSCE, ABU, in over 25 countries for organisations such as Al Jazeera, IRIB, Sierra Leone Broadcasting, SABC, Georgia State Channel ….


Chevan  Daniel

A Fulbright Scholar and the
head of Sri Lankas largest news network- News 1st, Chevaan also sits on the
Boards of two media companies, MTV & MBC. He is the winner of the Most
Outstanding Young Person of the Year award conferred by The Junior Chamber
International and is an Asia 21 Fellow. Chevaans work experience includes a
stint at NBC & MSNBC in New York. An avid musician, poet, photographer
Chevaan is also a practitioner of the Martial Arts. He has also addressed many
international forums including the World Media Forum- Bonn & The ABU
 General Assembly- Bali.


Aqeel Qureshi

Aqeel Qureshi is Vice President of Global Alliance on Accessible Technologies and Environments (GAATES), and the Editor of the Global Accessibility News (GAN). Aqeel is an Accessibility Consultant who has been working on accessibility issues, universal design and information and communications technology (ICT). He has more than 14 years of experience working with disability organizations. As a disability rights campaigner, he has actively advocated for the rights of persons with disabilities.

Saving Lives: Early Warnings and DRR Broadcasting workshop

In line with its long running commitment to help members prepare their audiences for the increasing frequency of natural hazards, the ABU is launching the next phase of its Early Warning and Disaster Risk Reduction campaign.

The ABU Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Broadcast Media Initiative kicks-off during the ABU Digital Broadcast Symposium with a workshop on 8 March 2013 in Kuala Lumpur.  The initiative is supported by the Trust Fund for Tsunami, Disaster and Climate Preparedness. It engages ABU broadcast members in ten countries[1]. The aim of the project is to link broadcasters and national disaster management authorities in efficient way, so information for pending disasters  issued by the authorities can reach people in danger in a timely and understandable manner.

The Kuala Lumpur workshop Saving Lives: Early Warnings and DRR Broadcasting will set the scene for the implementation of this two year project. It harness the expertise of speakers from Asia, Europe and Africa on communicating for natural disasters and using media before, during and after disasters to save lives and prepare communities to minimize damages.  

The workshop is followed by the ABU Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Broadcast Media Initiative induction meeting, which will conceptualise and plan the implementation of the initiative by country.

Since the devastating 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami,  the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) has emerged as a regional leader in early warnings and disaster preparedness through the media. Working with more than 50 of its members, the Union is spearheading a wide ranging campaign not only to use media for population disaster preparedness but also to make national broadcasters in its member countries an integral part of their national disaster management systems.

A description...

With over 50% of the total world’s disasters, Asia and the Pacific Islands region represents the widest and most natural disaster prone area in the world. It has a regular and apparently increasing frequency of typhoons, tsunamis, floods, droughts, fires and other natural hazards.  In 2008, disasters across the region accounted for almost 99% of the world’s reported victims. Those statistics alone spell out the urgency for action to prepare ABU members to be able to perform their most important duty as broadcasters– saving lives – by disseminating timely and accurate information to alert the  public before a disaster strikes as well as facilitate rescue,  relief and reconstruction operations during and after the event.

For more information about the initiative and the March workshop Saving Lives: Early Warnings and DRR Broadcasting,  please visit – upcoming events or contact Ms Natalia Ilieva –