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  • 2013-10-23 to 2013-10-29

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General Assembly 2013 Registration

2013-10-23 to 2013-10-29
October 23, 2013



Event details

  • 2013-10-23 to 2013-10-29

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General Assembly 2013 Registration

2013-10-23 to 2013-10-29
October 23, 2013




23 – 29 October 2013

Hanoi, Vietnam


Serving our Audience in the Digital Era

The audiences are becoming increasingly savvy in their use of media & technology. The proliferation of platforms allows people to chose the content they want and when, where and how to view or listen to that content. The power has irrevocably shifted to the audiences which are becoming more focused on interaction – responsive web design, experiences on multiple devices, social media and cross platform content. So this year, we make a ‘perspective shift’ from technology to audience – how do we, as broadcasters, (public and private, large and small, developing & highly developed) best serve Audience in the Digital age?

The theme can work from all perspectives – technological to programming to news, to sport. So, from content creation to content delivery, we shift our focus from what we are creating (and how we are creating/distributing it) to who we are creating it for and how we get them to interact with that content.


Registration deadline is 15 October

The 50th ABU General Assembly and its associated meetings will take place in Hanoi, Vietnam, from 23 to 29 October 2013. Vietnam’s state television, Vietnam Television (VTV), will be the Host of ABU’s most important annual event in 2013.

The ABU General Assembly returns to Vietnam after 8 years, with a record membership of over 250 organisations and with new fascinating projects to assist members to ride the digital wave. The second edition of the ABU TV Song Festival will showcase the region’s creative spirit while the invigorated ABU Programming, Technology and Sport Committees’ meetings will map the road ahead for members.

The venue and main hotel for the GA 2013 is the Melia Hotel, which is located in central Hanoi. The Host, VTV, has selected three other alternative hotels that are within walking distance from the Melia.

Members will be able to choose and book their accommodation directly with the selected hotel of their choice and they can choose the relevant meetings to attend. To get a tentative schedule of the meetings, please click here

Official ABU GA Website: 

For further information or assistance, please contact:

Ms Yvonne Augustin
Administration Officer
Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU)
P O Box 12287
50772 Kuala Lumpur


Street Address:

2nd Floor, IPPTAR Building


50614 Kuala Lumpur


Tel: (60-3) 2282-3592
Fax: (60-3) 2282-5292, 2282-4606