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General Assembly

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  • 2019-06-10 to 2019-06-14

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RadioAsia Conference 2018

2019-06-10 to 2019-06-14
June 10, 2019


General Assembly

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  • 2019-06-10 to 2019-06-14

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RadioAsia Conference 2018

2019-06-10 to 2019-06-14
June 10, 2019


RadioAsia Conference 2018

Radio – Unity and Diversity is the title of this year’s RadioAsia Conference in Astana, Kazakhstan.The conference will address in very practical ways one of the greatest challenges facing Radio broadcasters in the Second Digital Age (New Media and evolution of Web 3.0) Broadcasters around the world are venturing deeper and deeper into areas where new technologies, platforms and production methods become increasingly flexible and volatile, where convergence one minute becomes divergence the next.How can radio broadcasters maintain their essential public service role as mass media unifying society while at the same time addressing each citizen-consumer’s individual, personal information, education and entertainment needs?

RadioAsia 2018 will bring together experts and practitioners from across the region and around the world to help us chart paths through this increasingly complex landscape. The conference typically attracts more than 300 radio, technology and new meda industry professionals to share our challenges, seek solutions and witness what actually works in everyday broadcasting.

Media2020 Conference

The Kazmedia Center in Astana, Kazakhstan, will also host the 4th edition of the Media2020 series of Asia-Europe dialogues. Launched in 2015, Media2020 aims to prepare broadcasters across all platforms for the challenges they will need to confront by 2020 and beyond.As 2020 draws closer, this year’s conference will look in greater detail at where we are halfway towards our target.
Titled “Looking beyond the horizon”, this year’s conference will examine today’s broadcasting from three perspectives: Are digital media developing in the way predicted earlier in the Second Digital Age? What has proved successful and what is failing? What is coming over the horizon to hit us as we get closer to 2020?

Whether you work in radio, television, new media, academia, government or servicing industries, this year’s Media2020 conference will bring together some of the leading minds in the media fields to analyse what is working and what is not and what to expect next, whether in the areas of technology, media usage, production methods, audience engagement and consumer needs.

Click here to download the list of countries, citizens of which are not required entry visas up to 30 days


Conference Organiser

Please visit for more info.

+ - Day 1


Click to download the programme

Session/ Time Title Venue
Workshop 1

9:00 – 12:30

Zero to Hero – Building your station from the Ground Up Large Sound Recording Studio, Kazmedia Centre
In this workshop, you’ll be part of the strategic team that will build a radio format from the ground up. We’ll cut through the fog of all the moving parts from your social media approach to podcasting, and set out a list of priorities. Participants will learn what are the critical building blocks in designing and implementing winning content. Even if your station has been on the air for 10 years or more, you’ll gain valuable and actionable insights into the strategic world of programming.

The second part of the workshop tackles one of the most critical pieces in a winning radio format – the Morning Show. This interactive session will lay out the framework for a winning show and we’ll brainstorm solutions for specific challenges raised by those attending. You will walk away with plans and ideas for your show that you can put into practice as soon as you return.

Workshop Facilitators:

Paul Amos, Managing Director, Xtra Insights

Ronnie Stanton, Ronnie Stanton Media

Paul Amos and Ronnie Stanton work with leading radio networks on programming content and strategy, having launched and re- positioning radio formats in some of the most competitive markets in the world.

12:30 – 14:00 LUNCH Kazmedia Centre
Workshop 2

14:00 – 17:30

Making Great Radio for Children and Young People, Across Multiplatforms Large Sound Recording Studio, Kazmedia Centre
From audiences to distribution, content creation to platforms and everything in between, you will be taken step by step on an interactive journey of Children’s Radio that is guaranteed to inspire you to create and broadcast exciting, affordable and effective radio programs for your younger audiences.

The workshop will start with a general discussion about our target young audiences, how we reach and keep them and what other organisations we can involve. The discussion will then focus on practical advice on what audio is available now for kids, who is involved in its production and distribution and what are its strengths and weaknesses. The session will include samples of audio from different parts of the world.

You will explore in smaller groups issues of content creation such as the aims of kids programming, which platforms and channels, formats and genres to use, how to find and engage audiences and how to know what is working. We will also explore practical issues of resourcing such as how to make best use of skills and experience, finance, audience insights, distribution and outreach.

Our final section of the workshop will be directly creative with storytelling as its focus. You will choose target audience groups amongst children and young people and explore potential programme ideas that are creative and deliver compelling and immersive radio content on air/on-line/ via social, mobile, cross and trans-media.  This will enable you to explore what multiplatform storytelling entails.  Can it be factually based as well as fiction? How, why and when should we use different platforms? What will work most effectively for your target audience?

Workshop Facilitators:

Children’s and Educational content expert Karen Merkel will give you the building blocks you need to create, broadcast and/or distribute Kids’ Radio that is affordable and effective.

Award Winning drama and documentary producer Akim Mogaji will demonstrate how you can create and deliver compelling and immersive radio content across all media platforms.

Gala Dinner Hosted by Kazmedia


Rixos President Hotel Astana

+ - Day 2


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Session/Time Title Venue
Official Opening

9:00 – 9:20

MC: Ms Olya Booyar, Head of Radio, ABU

Host Broadcaster Welcome

Ms Lyazzat Zhunussova, General Director, KMO

Welcome Remarks ABU

Dr Javad Mottaghi, Secretary General, ABU

Hilton Garden Inn Ballroom
Session 1


Knowing our audiences

Our audiences are our reason for existing but how well do we REALLY know them? How can we see them and their needs without the distorting lens of our own professional knowledge and experiences? This opening session examines how we can objectively assess our audiences – especially all the diverse elements – using traditional as well as modern techniques and tools, such as audience research, focus groups, audience interactions, new media and social media.

Moderator: Paul Amos, Xtra Insights


Madi Manatbek, Director, Kazakh Radiolary

Steve Ahern, Managing Director, Ahern Media & Training, Australia

Fayyaz Sheheryar, Director General, All India Radio, India

Drew McDaniel, Professor, Director, School of Media Arts , Ohio University,USA

Tshering Wangchuk, CEO, BBSC Bhutan

Kantar TNS Central Asia,Kazakhstan



Audience Engagement Showcase:

Interactive examples of successful as well as not so successful engagement with audiences and what are the takeaways and lessons learned.

  • Akiko Ogasawara Managing Producer, NHK World Japan – BOSAI
  • Ehsan Mastan, Online Broadcaster, National Radio and Television of Afghanistan
10:45-11:15 Coffee Break
Session 2


Making programs for everyone

In the era of increasing diversity of audiences and production and distribution tools, panellists discuss how to use both multiple platform and single platform program making methods to deliver content to diverse audiences. We will see what works – and what doesn’t – from broadcasters large and small. And we will hear from independent content makers working at the cutting edge of radio and new media.

Moderator: Karen Merkel, New Media Networks


Timur Serzhanov, Journalism Academy of Kazakhstan

Wim Moortgat, VTR (Belgium)

Wolfram Tech, Senior Consultant & Partner , BCI Group, Germany

James Ross, Lightning International

Hilton Garden Inn Ballroom



Content Innovation Showcase: Using excerpts of real programs, content creators give short presentations of how they have used different single/multiplatform production and presentation techniques and technologies to make and share great radio and new media content.

  • Flavia Voinea, Manager, Bucharest FM, Radio Romania
  • Jun Shirai, Senior Producer, NHK, Japan
  • Vu Thi Tuyet Mai, Deputy Director of VOV2, Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam
  • Rinat Abdulkhalikov, General Director, NS Radio, Kazakhstan
12:45-14:00 LUNCH Hilton Garden Inn
14:00–14:10 Special Presentation & Invitation

Perhat Nuryyev, TVTM Turkmenistan

Hilton Garden Inn Ballroom

14:10 – 15:10

50 Shades of Great50 things to do that will make your station better tomorrow

An action packed Masterclass loaded with successful ideas from around the world and ranging from programming to promotions. The session will share audio and video examples and allow for your questions. You’re guaranteed to walk out with a list of actionable ideas that can be used in your station when you get home.

Presenter: Ronnie Stanton, Ronnie Stanton Media

Hilton Garden Inn Ballroom

15:10 – 15:45

Tools to make and share great content

Showcases of new and upcoming technologies that have been used in real-life situations to enhance program making, especially coping with the demands of increasing diversity or creating unity for audiences.

  • Alain Artero EBU, dotRadio
  • Lawrence Galkoff, General Manager, RadioPlayer Worldwide
  • Madina Baitursunova, Tengri FM, Kazakhstan
15:45 – 16:15 Coffee break
Session 3


16:15 – 17:00

The future here and now

An interactive overview of where we are now in serving diverse audiences and unifying people, how we can better understand our listeners, viewers and new media users, what challenges face broadcasters at the end of the second decade of the new millennium and what help we can expect technologies, methodologies and advances in other fields of human life. There will be a Q&A with the opportunity for short and well-aimed contributions from delegates.

Moderator: Steve Ahern, Managing Director, Ahern Media & Training, Australia

(Panellists drawn from the day’s speakers & audience)

5th ABU Song Festival 2018 Gala

Kazmedia Concert Hall


The 5th ABU Radio Song Festival is a musical showcase from across Asia and the Pacific, embracing and recognising the diverse musical talents of young, unsigned artists in our region.

Kazmedia Concert Hall

+ - Day 3


Click to download the programme

Session/Time Title Venue
Official Opening

9:00 – 9:20

MC: Ms Olya Booyar, Head of Radio, ABU

Host Broadcaster Welcome

Ms Lyazzat Zhunussova, General Director, KMO

Welcome Remarks ABU

Dr Javad Mottaghi, Secretary General, ABU

Hilton Garden Inn Ballroom
Session 1


Knowing our audiences

Our audiences are our reason for existing but how well do we REALLY know them? How can we see them and their needs without the distorting lens of our own professional knowledge and experiences? This opening session examines how we can objectively assess our audiences – especially all the diverse elements – using traditional as well as modern techniques and tools, such as audience research, focus groups, audience interactions, new media and social media.

Moderator: Paul Amos, Xtra Insights


Madi Manatbek, Director, Kazakh Radiolary

Steve Ahern, Managing Director, Ahern Media & Training, Australia

Fayyaz Sheheryar, Director General, All India Radio, India

Drew McDaniel, Professor, Director, School of Media Arts , Ohio University,USA

Tshering Wangchuk, CEO, BBSC Bhutan

Kantar TNS Central Asia,Kazakhstan



Audience Engagement Showcase:

Interactive examples of successful as well as not so successful engagement with audiences and what are the takeaways and lessons learned.

  • Akiko Ogasawara Managing Producer, NHK World Japan – BOSAI
  • Ehsan Mastan, Online Broadcaster, National Radio and Television of Afghanistan
10:45-11:15 Coffee Break
Session 2


Making programs for everyone

In the era of increasing diversity of audiences and production and distribution tools, panellists discuss how to use both multiple platform and single platform program making methods to deliver content to diverse audiences. We will see what works – and what doesn’t – from broadcasters large and small. And we will hear from independent content makers working at the cutting edge of radio and new media.

Moderator: Karen Merkel, New Media Networks


Timur Serzhanov, Journalism Academy of Kazakhstan

Wim Moortgat, VTR (Belgium)

Wolfram Tech, Senior Consultant & Partner , BCI Group, Germany

James Ross, Lightning International

Hilton Garden Inn Ballroom



Content Innovation Showcase: Using excerpts of real programs, content creators give short presentations of how they have used different single/multiplatform production and presentation techniques and technologies to make and share great radio and new media content.

  • Flavia Voinea, Manager, Bucharest FM, Radio Romania
  • Jun Shirai, Senior Producer, NHK, Japan
  • Vu Thi Tuyet Mai, Deputy Director of VOV2, Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam
  • Rinat Abdulkhalikov, General Director, NS Radio, Kazakhstan
12:45-14:00 LUNCH Hilton Garden Inn
14:00–14:10 Special Presentation & Invitation

Perhat Nuryyev, TVTM Turkmenistan

Hilton Garden Inn Ballroom

14:10 – 15:10

50 Shades of Great50 things to do that will make your station better tomorrow

An action packed Masterclass loaded with successful ideas from around the world and ranging from programming to promotions. The session will share audio and video examples and allow for your questions. You’re guaranteed to walk out with a list of actionable ideas that can be used in your station when you get home.

Presenter: Ronnie Stanton, Ronnie Stanton Media

Hilton Garden Inn Ballroom

15:10 – 15:45

Tools to make and share great content

Showcases of new and upcoming technologies that have been used in real-life situations to enhance program making, especially coping with the demands of increasing diversity or creating unity for audiences.

  • Alain Artero EBU, dotRadio
  • Lawrence Galkoff, General Manager, RadioPlayer Worldwide
  • Madina Baitursunova, Tengri FM, Kazakhstan
15:45 – 16:15 Coffee break
Session 3


16:15 – 17:00

The future here and now

An interactive overview of where we are now in serving diverse audiences and unifying people, how we can better understand our listeners, viewers and new media users, what challenges face broadcasters at the end of the second decade of the new millennium and what help we can expect technologies, methodologies and advances in other fields of human life. There will be a Q&A with the opportunity for short and well-aimed contributions from delegates.

Moderator: Steve Ahern, Managing Director, Ahern Media & Training, Australia

(Panellists drawn from the day’s speakers & audience)

5th ABU Song Festival 2018 Gala

Kazmedia Concert Hall


The 5th ABU Radio Song Festival is a musical showcase from across Asia and the Pacific, embracing and recognising the diverse musical talents of young, unsigned artists in our region.

Kazmedia Concert Hall