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  • 2022-10-03 to 2022-10-05

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2022 News Group Meeting & Global News Forum in New Delhi, India

2022-10-03 to 2022-10-05
October 5, 2022


News Department

Event details

  • 2022-10-03 to 2022-10-05

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2022 News Group Meeting & Global News Forum in New Delhi, India

2022-10-03 to 2022-10-05
October 5, 2022


2022 News Group Meeting & Global News Forum 

October 3-5 – New Delhi, India

Join international news leaders for this important event. In a year that has brought us the war in Ukraine, the political and economic crisis in Sri Lanka, extreme weather events, fears of a food and energy crisis and the continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic, you will hear speakers from leading news organisations including Al Jazeera, CNN, NHK, ABC and CNA as well as Reporters Without Borders, the World Food Programme, the International Committee of the Red Cross and ZeroRisk International. Share your insights and learn how to improve your crisis coverage.

Your hosts:

DD India anchors Sakal Bhatt and Shubhendu Ghosh.

Panel discussions:

  • The role of the media during times of crisis and major change
  • Correspondent insights from the war in Ukraine and the return to Taliban rule in Afghanistan
  • When a crisis happens, what do audiences need?
  • Planning for disaster – from finding the facts to partnerships and journalists’ kit
  • Lessons from disaster coverage, or what you wish you knew beforehand.

Presentations include:

  • Media freedom and the cost of losing trust
  • Displacing disinformation with verified facts
  • The importance of hostile environment training

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