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  • February 8, 2022
  • Tuesday, 3PM to 6PM

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THE DEEP BRIEF FORUM 1: IPCC Report on CLIMATE CHANGE’s Impact on Social Economic Development

Tuesday, 3PM to 6PM
February 8, 2022


News Department

Event details

  • February 8, 2022
  • Tuesday, 3PM to 6PM

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Bank NameAccount No: 0000 1400 1211IFSC Code: 00001321Branch Address
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THE DEEP BRIEF FORUM 1: IPCC Report on CLIMATE CHANGE’s Impact on Social Economic Development

Tuesday, 3PM to 6PM
February 8, 2022


THE DEEP BRIEF FORUM 1: IPCC Report on CLIMATE CHANGE’s Impact on Social Economic Development


Advance Briefing for Asia-Pacific Newsrooms three weeks before the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) releases its much-anticipated Working Group II Report on the impact of Climate Change on social economic development and its suggested adaptation solutions.

The IPCC Advance Briefing and the Follow-up Workshop on planning the coverage of global gatherings and events is part of the implementation in Asia-Pacific of the WBU/UNDRR MEDIA SAVING LIVES Initiative which aims to enhance the capacity of ABU Members to produce content on climate change adaptation and disaster prevention.


February, 08, 1500HRS Malaysian Time


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