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  • 2012-10-10 to 2012-10-11

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Women With the Wave – ABU Gender Media Forum

2012-10-10 to 2012-10-11
October 10, 2012



Event details

  • 2012-10-10 to 2012-10-11

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Women With the Wave – ABU Gender Media Forum

2012-10-10 to 2012-10-11
October 10, 2012



Digital inclusion of Women – Media and ICT Solutions

High level forum 

Join the high-level forum on empowering women through media in Seoul, 10&11 October.

Is it a wave or is it a ripple? Is the door half open or half closed to equal opportunities for both sexes? Is the movement to explore the potential for half the world’s population on the crest of a wave? Where are we now and what of the next steps in giving women world-wide a voice and power to decide for themselves and their families?

The ABU and ITU have joined forces with KBS, UNESCO and UNI – Apro to initiate a global alliance for digital inclusion and the empowerment of women through media, information and communication technology (ICT). The first step in this direction is the two day high level forum in Seoul in October.

Moving into the international scene to galvanise action for  women’s inclusion in the digital space/revolution comes naturally from the ABU’s and ITU’s long commitment to assist their respective members  achieve equal representation of women in their organizations, fair portrayal of women in  media and to facilitate social and economic development of women and girls through ICTs and media.

The ABU/UNESCO  gender mainstreaming  project Broadcasting for All: Focus on Gender  is in its second year for the ABU members participating in the pilot  –

MBC, Maldives; PBS, Philippines; RTM, Malaysia; Thai PBS, Thailand; VOV, Vietnam and  Young Asia TV, Sri Lanka.  Six more organisations will join the scheme from next year. The Gender Mainstreaming project has two parallel work lines  – implementing gender fair policies for attracting, developing and retaining women in nedia management and practical training for producing gender sensitive content across radio and TV formats.  

The Seoul Women With the Wave forum is bringing together leading media and ICT practitioners  to take stock of the current status of women in the media and ICT industry, identify strategies and good practices for achieving a higher representation of women in those industries and work on a fairer female portrayal in the media, advertising and movies. Among the speakers are a Nobel Peace Prize winner, an Oscar award winning actress and leaders of international organisations such as ITU and UNESCO.

The forum will create partnerships to take the task of empowering girls and women through digital inclusion, support ITU’s “Technology Needs Girls Campaign”, launch a designated website and draft a Declaration on Empowering Women through Media and ICTs, to be adopted by the ABU members at their General Assembly on the 16 & 17 October 2012 in Seoul.

Women With the Wave will increase the momentum of one of the biggest human and educational movements of our age – to release the potential of the girls and women of Asia. The tide must never go out again. What we are seeking is nothing less than a tsunami of enlightenment and education.

Please join the Women With the Wave forum and make your mark in making Asia a better place for everyone. 

Please click below to register online now.