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How you can contribute to the Technical Review


Would you like to contribute an article to the ABU Technical Review? Anybody is welcome to do so.

It’s an excellent way to highlight the work your organisation is doing and bring it to wide attention.

We will be happy to consider publishing any article you contribute. This could be a paper on research your organisation is conducting, details of any new technical developments, or any other article you feel will be of general interest to TR readers.

As you may be aware, the Technical Review is a quarterly publication distributed to all ABU members and industry partners.

The Technical Review is aimed at engineers but also carries general interest news stories. It contains articles on new technologies, developments in broadcasting, innovations by members and other material of interest to engineers.

An article can be any length and written in any style you like. If you have photos to accompany it, they should be high resolution (at least 2 megapixels).

Although we cannot offer payment, we will offer a free half-page advertisement for some articles, particularly those covering technical research. This will be placed after your article, bringing publicity for your organisation.

In addition, articles written by ABU members on Case Studies, Research, and Practical Implementation will be considered for the annual ABU Technical Review Prizes which consist of a cash prize and a certificate.

Previous issues of the Technical Review can be viewed at the ABU website main page and at: technical-review/

If you need more information, please contact