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Pacific Media Partnership Conference and Associated Events, Nuku’alofa, Tonga, 19-21 December 2011

The Pacific Media Partnership Conference with 10 associated workshops and meetings took place in Tonga from the 19 to 21 December. This event, with the theme “Strengthening Voice of the Pacific”, was organised by ABU Technology and hosted by the Tonga Broadcasting Commission.

This event received funding and in-kind support from many organisations including the FES, UNESCO, UN-AIDS, PIAF, CBA, ABC, NHK, RNZ, AIBD and the ITU. The Hon. Prime Minster of the Kingdom of Tonga opened the Pacific Media Partnership Conference 2011 on 21 December 2011 and delivered the Keynote Address. More than 70 senior executives of broadcasting and media organisations in the Pacific Island countries attended.

The PMP Conference adopted a key Declaration calling on the governments, international organisations and all stakeholders to assist and empower the broadcasters in the Pacific region to help them carry out their mandate of providing information, education and entertainment through their services to audiences.

The PMP event provided a platform for the broadcasters in the Pacific to share knowledge and expertise to improve and promote media coverage in the region. In particular, broadcasters in smaller islands had the opportunity to articulate their views and experiences and help in finding solutions.