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ABU Sports Online Survey

1. How often or/do you make effort to contact ABU Sports for Sports related Events?
2. Are you satisfied with the services and events offered by ABU Sports?
3. Rate the value you receive for your Sports Group Membership:
4. Over the next two years- how will your participation to ABU Sports events evolve?
5. In 2024, which of the following 'Events' do you plan to participate? (Select all that apply)
6. How satisfied are you with the following services offered by ABU Sports? (1-Very Satisfied 2-Satisfied 3-Not Satisfied 4-Improve Need 5-No Comment)
7. Please select the Topics that are of interest to you. (Select all that apply)
8. In your opinion, how often Sports Group Conference should be held?
9. Source of your information to make decisions on ABU Sports & related events
10. Where and how do you use those information?
11. Would your organisation be interested in doing any of the following? (select all that apply)
12. Your perception of the following:
Your organisation collaborates with other stakeholders more than ABU Sports in recent days
Your organisation is benefitting from the increased synergies by working with others
Sports and sporting events contribute significantly to national development & well being
13. How would you rate:
ABU/Sports Events(SGCs)
Sports Rights Acquisition
ABU Sports Production
ABU Sports & Entertainment Network ASEN/APV
ABU Sports Webpage
ABU Sports response to enquiries
ABU Sports Training/Webinars
14. ABU/Sports resources, recommendations, advisories & best practices are used for:
15. How often do you visit the ABU/Sports Website?
16. How often do you visit the ABU News?
17. Your organisation operate a dedicated Sports Channel