About Us

The ABU Media Academy was formed in 2020 in response to requests from members of the Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union for the latest training and development.

The ABU was established in 1964 as a non-profit, non-governmental, non- political, professional association with mandate to assist the development of broadcasting in the region. ABU promotes the collective interests of television and radio broadcasters as well as key industry players and facilitate regional and international media co-operation.

ABU is a member of the World Broadcasters’ Union and works closely with the other regional broadcasting unions on matters of common concern such as reserving frequencies for broadcasters, harmonisation of operating and technical broadcasting standards and systems and finalising the Broadcasting Treaty.

The Media Academy’s vision is that all ABU Members can develop their staff to a level where they are multiskilled, adaptable to change and up to date with the latest trends and technologies in our industries.

To achieve this vision, the ABU Media Academy’s mission is to partner closely with member organisations to improve their in-house training, give them access to external training by international experts through the ABU Media Academy, and facilitate further study at recognised tertiary institutions for staff and management of member organisations.