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The ABU Engineering Awards are presented at the ABU Technical Committee meeting each year. This award honours five major categories.

In 2003, the ABU Engineering Industry Excellence Award and the ABU Broadcast Engineering Excellence Award were created to recognise outstanding achievements in the engineering field. The ABU Green Broadcast Engineering Award was established in 2012 and was later renamed the ABU Broadcast Engineering Award on SDG Implementation in 2022. The ABU Developing Broadcasters’ Excellence Award was established in 2013 to recognise contributions of an outstanding nature in broadcast engineering made by an individual in a developing broadcasting organisation. The ABU Young Engineers’ Broadcasting Award was established in 2023 to recognise contributions of an outstanding nature in broadcast engineering made by a young engineer in a broadcasting organisation, including in management of technical resources, and in related disciplines.

The winning organisations and individuals benefit from a significantly raised profile within the broadcasting community, with press and online coverage through the ABU and the opportunity to attend ABU Technical Committee meetings as Distinguished Observers. A commemorative plaque and an award trophy are presented to the winners.

Please submit your nominee(s) to your preferred awards below:

To view our panel judges for this year and the previous winners please click below:

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The ABU Broadcast Engineering Excellence Award, which recognises contributions of an outstanding nature in 2022 ABU Engineering Awards made by an individual in a broadcasting organisation was awarded to Mr Cui Jianwei, Member of the Director’s Office Meeting of CMG Technology Bureau; Former Deputy Director of CCTV Technology Production Center of CMG Technology Bureau, China Media Group for his outstanding innovation in the implementation of a new development strategy promoting new technologies such as 4K/8K, 5G & Al.


The ABU Engineering Industry Excellence Award, which recognizes the most outstanding engineering contribution made by an individual to the broadcasting industry in the region, was awarded to Ms Qiao Xiaoyan, President of Wasu Media Holding Co., Ltd., RTPRC-China Broadcasting for her distinguished leadership and breakthrough innovation in developing interactive TV for Smart Home & Smart City implementation towards realisation of ”Digital China” and ”Digitalisation Reform”.


The ABU Broadcast Engineering Award on SDG Implementation recognises outstanding contributions in developing, implementing and/or promoting Sustainable Development Goals and green technology in the broadcasting industry. Nippon Hoso Kyokai (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) won the award for the innovative development of online broadcast service using the AI Multi-Language technology to reduce the inequality between people from different countries.

All India Radio & Doordarshan, Dibrugarh Prasar Bharati – India received the award for establishing broadcasting infrastructure within the AIR-Dibrugarh using energy-efficient systems while promoting and preserving existing environment & ecosystem.

The Radio, Film & TV Design and Research Institute RTPRC-China won the award for leading the development of Oriental Movie Metropolis while focusing on the ecological & environmental protection, energy conservation, and other sustainable development methods.


The ABU Developing Broadcasters’ Excellence Award which is for contributions of an outstanding nature in broadcast engineering made by an individual in a developing broadcasting organization was awarded to Mr Udaya Krishna Shrestha, Chief Engineering department (Production and IT) of Radio Broadcasting Service Nepal (RNE), for his outstanding contribution to the implementation of digital audio archiving system, expansion of FM transmission and his work towards digitalisation of radio in Nepal.



The 2021 winners are……


The ABU Broadcast Engineering Excellence Award, which recognises contributions of an outstanding nature in broadcast engineering made by an individual in a broadcasting organisation, was awarded to Dr Reza Alidadi, Technical Vice President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB-Iran).  Dr Alildadi won the award for leading IRIB’s migration from SD to HD and 4K-UHD as an important national project.


The ABU Engineering Industry Excellence Award, which recognises the most outstanding engineering contribution made by an individual to the broadcasting industry in the region, was awarded to Mr Fu Haibo, Chairman of the Board, Inner Mongolia Broadcast and Television Network Group Co., Ltd, RTPRC-China.  Mr Fu Haibo won the award for his outstanding leadership of Inner Mongolia Broadcast and Television Network Group including the provision of coverage in many remote areas.

The ABU Green Broadcast Engineering Award recognises outstanding contributions in developing, implementing and/or promoting green technology in the broadcasting industry.  The 2021 winner was the Golden Eagle Broadcasting System, RTPRC Radio, Film & TV Design and Research Institute, China for developing the 5G iMango Radio system promoting environmental protection measures and other green initiatives.


The ABU Developing Broadcasters’ Excellence Award which is for contributions of an outstanding nature in broadcast engineering made by an individual in a developing broadcasting organisation was awarded to Mr Joe Wafewa, Deputy CEO, National Broadcasting Corporation – Papua New Guinea for leading the installation and commissioning of an AM transmitter in Goroka and bringing radio services to many remote areas.

ABU Technical Review Prizes 2021 

The ABU Technical Review Prizes were awarded for articles contributed to the Technical Review from October 2020 to September 2021.  The prizes were judged by the ABU Technical Committee Chairman and Vice-Chairmen.

Three prizes were presented, one each from the categories of Practical Implementation, Research and Case Studies.

The winner for the Best Article on Practical Implementation was Mr C W Leung, Head of Engineering, Radio Television Hong Kong, for the article titled Audio Description for communion of visually impaired and normally sighted persons which appeared in the Quarter 4 2020 ABU Technical Review.

The Best Article on Research was co-authored by Mr Mohsen Shaban Moazam, Mr Seyed Hossein Alavi Soltani, Dr Mohieddin Moradi and Mr Maher Fatehpour.  The title of the article was A Novel Approach for Evaluating Multi-Path Adaptive Video Streaming in IP Networks which appeared in the Quarter 1 issue of the ABU Technical Review this year.  The authors are from the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting R&D and IRIB University.

The winner of the Best Article on Case Studies was Dr Les Sabel, Chair of the WorldDAB APAC Technical Group, for the article titled DAB Adoption Process Guide | Investigations and Trials which appeared in the Quarter 1 2021 issue of the ABU Technical Review.



The 2020 winners are……


The ABU Broadcast Engineering Excellence Award, which recognises contributions of an outstanding nature in broadcast engineering made by an individual in a broadcasting organisation was awarded to Mr Iwaki Masakazu of NHK-Japan.  Mr Iwaki is Senior Director at Senior Director of NHK Engineering System Inc and won the award for his promotion of AI technologies for programme production and his outstanding contributions to the ABU Technical Committee and ABU activities.


Expressing his gratitude, Mr Iwaki told the meeting he had spent most of his career as a research engineer at the NHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories (STRL).  He recalled that his first research and development project had been to develop an ice-zone microphone system to pick up the sound of ice skating. The system had been used at the Nagano Winter Olympics in 1998.  Mr Iwaki said he had recently managed the promotion of the effective use of AI technologies for programme production. The laboratories were focusing on the AI transcription system, AI announcer, AR/VR technologies for sports events and so on.  Mr Iwaki held important posts in the ABU Technical Committee for more than a decade. These included transmission topic chairman, vice chairman and chairman.

The ABU Engineering Industry Excellence Award, which recognises the most outstanding engineering contribution made by an individual to the broadcasting industry in the region, was awarded to Ms Zhang Hong, Director General, Radio and Television Administration of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, RTPRC-China who won the award for her outstanding leadership of the broadcasting industry of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

Ms Zhang Hong thanked the ABU for recognising China’s Smart Broadcasting project and her work and for giving her this great honour.  She said the honour also belonged to the policy projected by NRTA-China and the leadership of the government of Guangxi and the teamwork of the Guangxi broadcasting group.

Ms Zhang Hong said that for two years, difficulties had been overcome by working diligently to use all resources available to keep the mission firmly in mind.  Smart Broadcasting was creating not only a non-contact economy pattern but also a non-contact way of living.  “What is in front of us is not only television but also the infinite wisdom of humankind.”

The ABU Green Broadcast Engineering Award recognises outstanding contributions in developing, implementing and/or promoting green technology in the broadcasting industry.  The 2020 winner was the Radio, Film & TV Design and Research Institute, China who won the award for promoting environmental protection measures and green initiatives in the design and construction of the Guangzhou TV Tower.

Mr Pan Guolin on behalf of DRFT said the award was an honour for every participant in the project. DRFT had undertaken almost all the design works of China aid projects and domestic projects related to radio and TV.

He said DRFT would accept the award as an opportunity to strengthen technological capacity and would continue to contribute to the Chinese development characteristics and ecological concept of green environmental protection in modern architecture in China.

There were no nominees for the ABU Developing Broadcasters’ Excellence Award this year.

The ABU Technical Review Prizes were awarded for articles contributed to the Technical Review from October 2019 to September 2020.  The prizes were judged by the ABU Technical Committee Chairman and Vice-Chairmen.

Three prizes were presented each from the categories of Practical Implementation, Research and Case Studies.


The Best Article on Research was co-authored by Dr Kazuyoshi Shogen of B-SAT, Japan and Mr Thong Pham Viet of ITU-R.  Their article titled Effectiveness of Frequency Sharing Criteria in the Broadcasting Satellite Link appeared in the October-November-December 2019 issue of the ABU Technical Review.


The winners for the Best Article on Practical Implementation are Mr R. Arul, Mr S. Gurumanickam and Mr K. Balaji of Doordarshan India who co-authored the article titled Indigenous News Automation Software at DDK Chennai which appeared in the April-June 2020 issue of the ABU Technical Review.


The winner of the Best Article on Case Studies is Mr M S Duhan of Doordarshan-India who authored the article titled Seminal motives for Digital TV: Metamorphosis of ATT into DTT, which appeared in the January-March 2020 issue of the ABU Technical Review.



     And the 2019 ABU Engineering Awards Winners are…….

ABU Technical Review Prize

The Best Article Prize winner under Practical Implementation category is Mr Kim Hae Jung of KBS-Korea for the article titled “Administrating IP-Based UHD Studio” which appeared in the April-June 2019 issue of the Technical Review Magazine.  Mr Masashi Kamei, Vice Chairman ABU Technical Committee and Senior Research Engineer, Science and Technology Research Laboratories, NHK, (right) presented the certificate to Mr CHANG Hyung Jun, Executive Director of TV Production Technology, KBS, on behalf of the author.

The Best Article Prize winner under the Research category was awarded to Mr Mohammad Paknahad, Mr Mahmoud Kiani, and Dr Mohieddin Moradi of IRIB-Iran for the article titled “A Novel Approach for Upgrading TV Studios to HDR Technology” which appeared in the July-September issue of the Technical Review Magazine. Mr Masashi Kamei, Vice Chairman ABU Technical Committee and Senior Research Engineer, Science and Technology Research Laboratories, NHK, presented the certificate to Mr Hamid Nayeri, ABU TC Chairman, to accept the certificate on behalf of the authors.


The Best Article Prize winner under the Case Studies category is Mr M S Duhan of DD-India for the article titled Anatomy of RF Amplifiers – Failure Mechanics and Maintenance Strategies. The article appeared in the October-December 2018 issue. Mr Masashi Kamei, Vice Chairman ABU Technical Committee and Senior Research Engineer, Science and Technology Research Laboratories, NHK, presented the certificate Ms Anuradha Agarwal, ADG (Engg) of DD-India on behalf of the author.

ABU Green Broadcast Engineering Award | For outstanding contributions in developing, implementing and/or promoting green technology in the broadcasting industry.

There were three joint winners of the ABU Green Broadcast Engineering Award namely, DRFT-NRTA China, AIR India, and NBT-Thailand.

Mr CHANG Hyung Jun, Executive Director of TV Production Technology, KBS, represented KOBA and presented the awards to the winners.

The Radio, Film & TV Design & Research Institute (DRFT) China won the award for the environmental protection measures taken in the Lotus TV Tower project in Colombo, Sri Lanka.  Mr Zhang Hongyin, the project design manager of the Lotus TV Tower Project accepted the award for DRFT-China.


All India Radio won the award for adopting green technologies throughout its digitalisation process and promoting awareness of climate change within these projects.  Ms. Anuradha Agarwal, ADG (Engg), DD-India accepted the award on behalf of All India Radio.

The National Broadcasting Services of Thailand (NBT) won the award for their efforts in promoting the protection of the environment throughout its digital transition projects.  Mr Kachan Kannika accepted the award on behalf of NBT-Thailand
ABU Developing Broadcasters’ Excellence Award | For contributions of an outstanding nature in broadcast engineering made by an individual in a developing broadcasting organisation.

The 2019 ABU Developing Broadcasters’ Excellence Award winner was Mr Wali Ahmad Kabir, Head of TV, Technical Department of Radio & Television Afghanistan for successfully overcoming many challenges in RTA’s ongoing transition to digital broadcasting.  Dr Kong Bin, Vice-Chairman Technical Committee presented the award to Mr Wali Ahmad Kabir of RTA-Afghanistan.

ABU Engineering Industry Excellence Award | For outstanding engineering contributions made by an individual to the broadcasting industry.

The winner of the 2019 ABU Engineering Industry Excellence Award was Dr Reza Alidadi, Technical Vice President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting, for his outstanding leadership and innovative contributions in the development of the radio and television industry in Iran.

Mr Keiji KODAMA, Director of Engineering Administration, NHK-Japan presented the award to Dr Reza Alidadi of IRIB-Iran.

ABU Broadcast Engineering Excellence Award | For outstanding contributions in broadcasting engineering and related disciplines.

The winner of the ABU Broadcast Engineering Excellence Award is Mr Lee Chang Hyung, Technology Executive Managing Director, Korean Broadcasting System for his outstanding leadership in establishing the digital broadcasting technology plan and his contributions in the digital transition in Korea.

Mr Hamid Nayeri, ABU TC Chairman presented the award to Mr CHANG Hyung Jun of KBS who was accepting on behalf of Mr Lee Chang Hyung.